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How to Pitch Your Company to Top EV Talent

There’s been encouraging news for those looking to recruit EV engineers with a dramatic 62% rise in automotive workers equipped with EV skills. Globally, Sweden, the UK and Germany are leading the way. 

But there has also been a pronounced increase in competition for talent from EV headhunters in adjacent industries, such as EV-charger networks and utilities. 

If you need to hire EV engineers in this climate, as an employer you must stand out in what is a very busy crowd. Incorporating a strong company pitch into your talent attraction strategy will greatly assist. 

The Benefits of Pitching Your Company

With demand for EV professionals growing exponentially, clearly outlining what makes your company unique allows you to capture the interest of critical engineering talent. 

Having a ‘pitch’ for your company brings additional benefits, such as a better candidate-company match. A clear pitch helps potential hires understand your vision, values and mission. Candidates can then self-assess if they’re a good fit. It’s crucial as the right alignment leads to higher employee engagement, productivity and job satisfaction – all ‘musts’ for your business success.

An authentic pitch can also boost retention. New hires who understand who you are as a business onboard more easily and effectively. They know what success looks like, which enables them to integrate faster. 

Last but not least, with the right pitch you can attract new employees who feel connected to their work and are therefore committed to staying the course. 

What is Your Company’s Employee Value Proposition? 

An engaging employee value proposition (EVP) isn’t a piece of marketing or HR fluff; it outlines what makes your company unique in offerings, benefits and employee experience. Most importantly, it demonstrates what employees can expect in return for their skills and commitment.

To keep it simple, focus your EVP on the things engineers most want. Based on our experience as EV headhunters, here are the key ingredients of an EVP:

  • Competitive compensation
    Ensure you’ve benchmarked your pay packaging against current market rates (we can assist with this).

  • Career development opportunities 
    Highlight training programs, mentorship and professional growth pathways. Showcase any ongoing R&D projects and initiatives that encourage innovation. 

  • A commitment to sustainability
    Younger employees are increasingly driven by purpose with sustainability a focus area. Highlight the positive things you’re doing in this space.

  • A great company culture
    Speak to the exceptional qualities of your working environment, things like collaboration, flexibility and impactful work. 

Once you have your EVP, apply it consistently across your job ads and descriptions, your careers page, and company social media profiles.


You may find it tricky to incorporate all of these things in your EVP, particularly as it’s usually no longer than one paragraph. However, brainstorming what to include is a highly useful task. It will equip you with additional ways to articulate your employer brand during your recruitment campaign, from your website to candidate interviews. An example might be employee testimonials and success stories that illustrate your company’s culture and values in action. 

Create An Engaging Candidate Experience

The recruitment process is a critical time when you can make or break your employer brand – especially when you consider multiple surveys that show most candidates will drop out of the hiring process if it’s too long or overly complex. 

Providing an engaging and successful candidate experience involves two core elements: 

  1. What you communicate

  2. How you communicate.

For the former, tell ‘stories’ during interviews to illustrate what you can offer candidates (i.e. professional development), as well as how your company values and culture are reflected in day-to-day operations and decision-making. 

An example might be discussing a recent project where the engineering team overcame significant challenges in developing new battery technology through collaboration and open communication. 

When it comes to how you communicate, the key is to be respectful and engaging. This means keeping candidates informed during each stage of the process and creating a welcoming interview environment.

It’s also good to encourage candidates to ask questions, particularly about your vision and values. It not only shows that you’re upfront and authentic but also allows you to gauge whether a candidate is aligned with your business. 

Your EV Recruitment Partner

When there’s fierce competition to recruit EV engineers, effectively communicating your company’s vision, mission and values to attract top talent becomes ever more important. 

At Fields and Rudd, our headhunting specialists are well placed to support you in creating a compelling company pitch for your recruitment campaigns, which truly capture the interest of engineering talent.

With an extensive candidate network and industry partnerships, we have access to hidden talent in the EV market. Get in touch today to find out how we can help you hire EV engineers aligned with your company, ensuring you thrive in the ever-evolving EV environment.