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Sustainability Is Your Business Doing Enough Featured Prf2

Sustainability: Is Your Business Doing Enough?

Automotive industry sustainability is a hot topic right now. Between the EU’s recent agreement to phase out combustion engine car sales across the union by 2035, and the introduction of stricter ...

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Attracting Tech Talent Featured Prf2

Attracting Tech Talent to the Automotive Industry

Autonomous vehicles and EVs require a range of engineering disciplines and specialities to build, such as computer vision, robotics, data analysis, satellite systems, infotainment, and integrated s...

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The Impact Of A 4 Day Work Week Featured Prf1

The Impact of a Four-Day Workweek on Talent Attraction

The four-day workweek is on the cusp of becoming mainstream and it’s easy to see why it appeals to so many people. A three-day weekend provides an extra day to unwind, spend time with family, run e...

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